Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje on Sunday announced VAT reduction of 4% on the fuel price in the state. As a big relief for Rajasthan, CM Raje made this announcement during Rajasthan Gaurav Yatra in Rawatsar i.e. in Hanumangarh district.
The VAT on petrol will be reduced from 30 to 26 percent and 22 to 18 percent on diesel. So, the latest slash in the prices will make the fuel Rs. 2.5/ltr cheaper in the state. The latest prices have been effective from Monday, September 10, 2018. Let’s inform you that the VAT reduction of 4% on the fuel price in the state is historical.
Read more: मुख्यमंत्री राजे ने दी हनुमानगढ़ को एक हजार करोड़ के रिंग रोड की सौगात
Relief for everyone including farmers in the state
The exchequer will have to bear a cost of Rs. 2000 Cr to relive the people of Rajasthan. During Rajasthan Gaurav Yatra is Rawatsar, CM Raje said, ‘We have decided to reduce VAT on diesel and petrol by 4%, which will provide much-needed relief to the people of the state, be it, farmers and women.’
CM Raje has been working for the state people like never any government did before. Raje cares for women and farmers more than any other concern. CM Raje has the vision to empower women and farmers to build a better society and economy. CM Raje’s every scheme somehow supports these two elements of the society.
Congress’s baseless chaos on the fuel price
On the other hand, the Congress party tried to disturb the peace in the state on the fuel price in the state. Congress announced ‘Bharat Bandh’ against fuel prices but they forgot the burdening fuel and gas prices before 2014.
The comparative hike in petrol price in just 3 months of 2013 (Congress tenure):
July 15, 2013 Rs. 70.44
August 01, 2013 Rs. 71.28
August 15, 2013 Rs. 63.20
September 01, 2013 Rs. 74.10
September 14, 2013 Rs. 76.28
These are the petrol prices 5 years back. Former Congress Government increased the price by Rs. 06.16 in just three months. Now the Cong threatens the government for Shutdowns over the fuel prices. Therefore, It’s pretty surprising that they do not remember their own “growth graph”. So the former party had never come up for VAT reduction of 4% on the fuel price as the Raje government did.