
Gram Panchayat Kishanpura of Beawar Tehsil of Rajasthan has some success stories too. In the line of success stories, female head of Gram Panchayat Kishanpura Smt. Kamla Devi has started receiving ration. In fact, her pension amount also credits in her account.

Kamla Devi shared her problem that earlier she was not getting ration on time. The quantity of ration was also inadequate. But after she enrolled with Bhamashah yojana, she is enjoying benefits. She is a beneficiary of APL. Her family easily gets ration without any trouble. Due to Bhamashah yojna, she doesn’t face any trouble in getting pension money. She also enjoys the benefits of Bhamashah swayasthaya yojna.

Beneficiary Kamla Devi

Well.. she is not the one who has been benefited with Bhamashah yojna. It is due to Raje government which has given a better life to people. Many people across the state have been benefited from the policies of Rajasthan government.