Rajasthan’s 19 Government Hostels Now Open to Students of all Castes
The caste-based hostels in Rajasthan are no longer going to discriminate against students of different communities as the state government has brought the much-needed change in the system. As per the latest reports, the...
राजस्थान के सरकारी स्कूलों के खेल मैदान जल्द ही होंगे ऑनलाइन: मुख्यमंत्री राजे
राजस्थान सरकार प्रदेश के सरकारी स्कूलों में पढ़ाई के साथ ही खेल सुविधाएं बढ़ाने पर भी विशेष ध्यान दे रही है। अब राज्य में सरकारी स्कूलों के खेल मैदान के नक्शे जल्द ही ऑनलाइन...
Rajasthan CM plans to open a separate university for hearing and speech impaired students
The people with physical disabilities undoubtedly go through various challenges every day. To support them, the government of India has provided them with several benefits. Considering that factor, the Chief Minister of Rajasthan Vasundhara...
Rajasthan: Upgradation of schools and creation of 6238 new posts
It is a great way to improve the level of education in the state of Rajasthan. When students get better education facilities nearby then they will more interest in studying and going to schools....
Pravesh Utsav: State Education Department to Prepare for Student Enrolment Drive
The state education department is gearing up to push the teachers to make Pravesh Utsav a success with record-breaking admissions this year. This Pravesh Utsav aka admission festival is likely to be carried out...
Rajasthan Students Performing better than the rest in India, says Survey
As per the results of the National Achievement Survey (NAS), 2017 released recently, the Rajasthan students in Standard 3, 5, and 8 are performing better than those in the rest of the country. The...
Rajasthan Government to Establish University for Differently-Abled Students
A government-operated university will soon start function in Rajasthan to impart education and skills to the specially-abled students. A proposal was sent by the department to the cabinet for approval. CM Vasundhara Raje herself...
TISS’s CLIx program awarded by UNESCO, Runs in Rajasthan
UNESCO ‘s prestigious award King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize has been awarded to CLIx program of Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS). Instituted in year 2005, King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize is...
सरकारी नौकरियों में आवेदन के लिए अब होगा वन टाइम रजिस्ट्रेशन, 2 अप्रैल से होगी शुरूआत
सरकारी नौकरी के लिए बार-बार आवेदन फार्म भरने से बेरोजगार युवाओं को जल्द ही छुटकारा मिल जाएगा। अब सिर्फ एक बार ही आवेदन करना होगा। नए पदों के आवेदन के लिए केवल फीस जमा...
Rajasthan government to launch 12 language courses online, Know more
To make the students more capable for the jobs related to tourism, Rajasthan government has come up with new courses. From the upcoming session, 12 language courses online will be introduced in three colleges...
शिक्षा विभाग का आदेश, स्कूलों में ‘पास बुक्स’ से नहीं पढ़ा सकेंगे शिक्षक
राजस्थान के स्कूलों में अब शिक्षक 'पास बुक्स' की सहायता से नहीं पढ़ा सकेंगें। दरअसल, राजस्थान माध्यमिक शिक्षा परिषद के हालिया निर्देश के अनुसार अब विद्यालयों में पास बुक्स के उपयोग पर पूर्णत: प्रतिबंध...
कॉलेजों में ड्रेस कोड जरूरी नहीं, आॅप्शनल होगा फैसला
राजस्थान सरकार ने हाल ही में विद्यार्थियों की मांग पर प्रदेश के सभी कॉलेजों में ड्रेस कोड यूनिफॉर्म लागू करने की घोषणा की थी। अब विद्यार्थियों की मांग पर ही इसमें संशोधन किया है।...